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Surgically-repaired Quad Tendon-friendly WODs

It's challenging to design WODs which do not incorporate much lower body movement (weighted or not) and I would love to see some suggestions. Here are some WODs I've programmed for myself recently (besides the ones I've posted already):

Strength work:
1000 m row
30 situps
30 pullups
30 situps
30 kb swings
30 situps
30 alternating kb hang clean and press (15/side)
30 situps
1000 m row

Strength work:
3 rounds of
7 pullups
11 clapping pushups
500 m row

As you can see, the extent of the leg work I'm comfortable with outside of PT is limited to rowing and slight dip drives (kb hang clean, push press, etc). Tonight's WOD will include some kind of press work with a MetCon which includes pushups, body rows, and toes to bar in some way.

The suggestion box is now OPEN!


1-1-1-1-1-1-1 <> 1 RM/Max Effort

1-1-1-1-1-1-1 is not the same as 1 RM.

When the WOD calls for 1-1-1-1-1-1-1, that does NOT mean you should necessarily be attempting a max effort lift or finding your 1 RM for that specific lift. Instead, you should be looking to find the maximum amount of weight which you can handle safely with near perfect form for the number of reps and sets Rx'd. Warm up sets do NOT count.

For example, on September 23, 2010 the main site posted the following WOD:
Shoulder Press 3-3-3-3-3-3-3

Once you've warmed up completely, pick a weight which you believe you can do for 3 reps and 7 sets but no more. Once you are done with this WOD, you should be tapped out. Now, finding this weight can be difficult and you should scale accordingly as you proceed through the sets. Because of this, your weights may fluctuate slightly. If you find yourself setting a PR then congrats! But you estimated poorly and will need to adjust next time around.


Workout #2

Tonight's workout:

Presses (45x12, 55x12, 65x10, 75x8, 85x6, 95x5)

20 lb DB "boy"-makers (push-up and DB rows of man-makers, no cleans or presses)
35 lb KB swings


I initially threw in a set of pull-ups after the sit-ups but only got through a total of 15 before my grip was failing miserably. So I cut those out. Cardio wasn't so much of an issue tonight as muscle endurance was.

Long road ahead still...motivational support always welcome!


2010 CrossFit/USAW Open

Apparently over this past weekend CrossFit and USA Weightlifting held their first ever, well, CrossFit/weightlifting competition to put it succinctly. The events consisted of the following:
  • CrossFit Triplet (10 min AMRAP): 6 squat cleans (55 kgs or ~121 lbs), 12 pull-ups, 24 double-unders
  • 1 RM Clean and Jerk (3 attempts)
  • 1 RM Snatch (3 attempts)
Let's see...for comparison's sake...I would have been in the 85 kg (~187 lb) weight class. My 1 RMs have been 225 lb (102 kg) and 190 lb (86 kg), respectively. My clean and jerk would have put me at 21st (out of 27) and my snatch would have placed me at 18th. My USAW total would have had me at 19th. Don't know about the triplet but I would guess I'd end up right around that same rank when I was peaking a few months ago.

There's always next year.


Here We Go

I've got my tour scheduled at EBC tomorrow at 6:30. I've got my list of leg exercises as Rx'd by my physical therapist. And I've got my brand new Nike Free 3.0s now.

It's on.


Phoenix Rising

I'm back! Kinda...

My orthopedic surgeon has prescribed me 18 more PT sessions but I'm starting to feel much more comfortable with my situation. I've hit full ROM in my quad/knee with some moderate stress/tension. My therapist said while stretching me out that she wouldn't know that I was having issues if it weren't for my facial expressions.

Today I performed some ladders, below parallel body weight squats, and jumps on the shuttle (my first power movement!). It doesn't sound like much but my recovery period may only be 6 to 9 months instead of the full 12.

I know it's been awhile since I have posted but there are a number of things I have in mind that I'd like to post about including my own upcoming progress (including pictures). My first full workout may be tomorrow night at East Bank Club...